Topic: “Video journalism”

Posted in Announcements

Three new deputy bureau chiefs in Washington

, by Lauren Easton

Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced three key appointments: editors J. David Ake, Kathleen Hennessey and Elizabeth Kennedy are the new deputy Washington bureau chiefs, leading AP’s coverage of the U.S. government and American politics.

Posted in Behind the News

‘Fishing for photos’ in Northwest Passage

, by Lauren Easton

Aboard an icebreaker sailing through the Arctic Circle’s Northwest Passage, AP photographer David Goldman captured striking images of the jagged icescape left behind.

Posted in Announcements

Three journalists named to senior news leadership team

, by Lauren Easton

Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Sally Buzbee announced today three key appointments: Noreen Gillespie is the new Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News, Sarah Nordgren becomes the new Deputy Managing Editor for Sports, Business News, Entertainment and Lifestyles, and Health and Science, and Lisa Gibbs is the new Director of News Partnerships.

Posted in Behind the News

Securing video exclusives in Paris attack, Philippines plot

, by Lauren Easton

Quick thinking and persistence enabled The Associated Press to lead with its video coverage of terrorism on two continents in the same week: an attack on Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and Islamic militants plotting an assault in the Philippines.

Posted in Announcements

New Asia-Pacific leadership team is named

, by Lauren Easton

Asia-Pacific News Director Ted Anthony announced Monday a new multiformat leadership team for the region, sending this memo to his staff:

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