Topic: “Video journalism”

Posted in Behind the News

Scrambling to obtain exclusive user-generated video of Nice attack

, by Lauren Easton

When news broke of a truck running down crowds of people in Nice, France, on July 14, after the Bastille Day fireworks had ended, video of the scene surfaced almost immediately.

Posted in Announcements

New head of international news and editor at large for standards are named

, by Paul Colford

Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll today announced two key appointments: Ian Phillips is the new Vice President for International News and John Daniszewski becomes the new Editor at Large for Standards.

Posted in Behind the News

Chernobyl anniversary produces AP exclusives

, by Paul Colford

The 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster prompted AP journalists in Eastern Europe to produce disturbing environmental stories near the site in Ukraine and also from Mayak, the scene of at least two of Russia’s worst nuclear accidents dating from the late 1940s.

Posted in Behind the News

Brussels attacks highlight importance of live video and user-generated content

, by Lauren Easton

Quickly switching on the need to obtain user-generated content, making the most of a stroke of luck involving a news partner and literally sprinting to get our own boots on the ground enabled The Associated Press to lead with its coverage of the Brussels Airport attack.

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