Topic: “visual journalism”

Posted in Announcements

AP earns 3 Bayeux awards for Ukraine coverage

, by Lauren Easton

Stunning visual coverage of the war in Ukraine has earned The Associated Press three first prize trophies at the 29th Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Award for war correspondents.

Posted in Announcements

US News leadership team is named

, by Nicole Meir

This week AP announced eight key leadership positions, including the US News leadership team and a new director of global text.

Posted in Behind the News

Modernizing the US news report

, by Lauren Easton

AP is taking steps to make its U.S. news report more visual and digital friendly to help local newsrooms thrive in an increasingly digital environment.

Posted in Behind the News

Global attention for Kabul photo

, by Lauren Easton

As the Taliban advanced across Afghanistan over the weekend, an AP photo of a U.S. Chinook helicopter flying over the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on Sunday was featured on numerous front pages around the world.

Posted in Industry Insights

Revolutionizing video workflows with AI

, by Patrick Maks

At the International Broadcasting Convention this week, Vice President and Director of Key Initiatives Sandy MacIntyre outlined how AP is collaborating with technology companies to revolutionize video production and workflows in the news industry.

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