Topic: “Video journalism”

Posted in Behind the News

Using 360 video to bring viewers closer to Harvey, Irma

, by Lauren Easton

When back-to-back hurricanes hit Texas and Florida causing widespread destruction, AP supplemented its comprehensive text, photo and video coverage of the storms with 360-degree video of the aftermath.

Posted in Behind the News

After Maria, ‘heart-wrenching’ all-formats coverage

, by Lauren Easton

More than a week after Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, AP journalists on the ground continue to tell the stories of people who are struggling with the overwhelming devastation.

Posted in Behind the News

A closer look at 'Trump Country'

, by Lauren Easton

A team of AP journalists is returning to communities that flipped from blue to red in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to see if President Donald Trump is doing what they had hoped.

Posted in Behind the News

Reporters reveal patchwork of justice for juvenile lifers

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by Vice President for Standards John Daniszewski detailed how a 50-state investigation on inmates sentenced as juveniles to life without parole broke through an especially busy White House news cycle to provide "an important public service":

Posted in Behind the News

Reporter persists to produce exclusive interview with tractor-trailer trafficking survivor

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo from Managing Editor Brian Carovillano describes how a reporter equipped with an iPhone landed a “scoop that gave AP’s customers something they could get nowhere else”:

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