Topic: “Politics”

Posted in Behind the News

New survey takes pulse of young Americans

, by Lauren Easton

As the run-up to the U.S. midterm elections begins, the new Youth Political Pulse survey, by MTV with The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, aims to reveal what political issues matter most to young Americans.

Posted in Announcements

Nancy Benac promoted to White House editor

, by Lauren Easton

AP Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced a key appointment, sending this memo to her staff:

Posted in Behind the News

How I got that photo of Trump’s notes

, by Lauren Easton

When President Donald Trump met with high school students, teachers and parents affected by school shootings at the White House on Wednesday, he was photographed holding handwritten notes.

Posted in Industry Insights

AP's top editor: Journalism today must be ‘unimpeachable’

, by Lauren Easton

“The time for shock and awe is over,” Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Sally Buzbee told the Japan National Press Club.

Posted in Industry Insights

Gaining access and trust in an era of ‘fake news’

, by Lauren Easton

A year into the Trump presidency, Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace addressed media bias, the state of press access in the current administration and how news organizations can regain public trust in an era of so-called fake news.

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