Topic: “Politics”

Posted in Behind the News

Why we quoted the president’s vulgarity

, by John Daniszewski

President Donald Trump’s comment yesterday referring to “shithole” countries sparked discussion and reflection in our Washington and New York newsrooms, and around the world, as to when to use expletives and vulgar language in our news report.

Posted in Announcements

Errin Haines Whack named race and ethnicity writer

, by Lauren Easton

Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News Noreen Gillespie announced a key appointment Tuesday, sending this memo to staff:

Posted in Industry Insights

AP’s top editor: Media must call out facts

, by Lauren Easton

At the International Broadcasting Convention conference in Amsterdam on Thursday, Executive Editor Sally Buzbee commented on current challenges faced by news organizations – from fake news to fighting for access – and the role of artificial intelligence in reporting.

Posted in Behind the News

AP Style on 'Dreamers'

, by John Daniszewski

With the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in the news, members of the public, TV commentators and politicians are commonly referring to the program’s beneficiaries as “Dreamers.”

Posted in Behind the News

A closer look at 'Trump Country'

, by Lauren Easton

A team of AP journalists is returning to communities that flipped from blue to red in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to see if President Donald Trump is doing what they had hoped.

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