Topic: “featured”

Posted in Announcements

New beat team for marijuana coverage

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, AP Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News Noreen Gillespie outlined plans for a reporting team that will cover issues related to the legalization of marijuana:

Posted in Industry Insights

Gaining access and trust in an era of ‘fake news’

, by Lauren Easton

A year into the Trump presidency, Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace addressed media bias, the state of press access in the current administration and how news organizations can regain public trust in an era of so-called fake news.

Posted in Announcements

Bringing AP Fact Checks to Twitter

, by Lauren Easton

A new AP Fact Check Twitter account launched today makes it easier to follow AP’s fact-checking and debunking of misinformation online.

Posted in Behind the News

Why we quoted the president’s vulgarity

, by John Daniszewski

President Donald Trump’s comment yesterday referring to “shithole” countries sparked discussion and reflection in our Washington and New York newsrooms, and around the world, as to when to use expletives and vulgar language in our news report.

Posted in Behind the News

Trudging through mud to get the shot

, by Lauren Easton

As search crews in California look for victims of this week’s deadly mudslides in Montecito, AP journalists are on the ground covering the rescue efforts and the destruction left behind.  

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