Topic: “featured”

Posted in Announcements

AP to name breakthrough entertainers of 2017

, by Lauren Easton

For the first time on Tuesday, The Associated Press will name its Breakthrough Entertainers of the Year. The inaugural list comprises eight artists, including newcomers who made a splash in 2017 as well as more established entertainers who found success this year.

Posted in Behind the News

How data journalism tools revealed segregation in US charter schools

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Deputy Managing Editor Sarah Nordgren described how an AP analysis of charter school enrollment data allowed member news organizations to zero in on segregation in their states:

Posted in Behind the News

Is it sexual harassment or misconduct?

, by John Daniszewski

With the raft of accusations of sexual misconduct by powerful men showing no signs of abating, here are some guidelines that may prove useful.

Posted in Behind the News

How I got that Mnuchin photo

, by Lauren Easton

During a routine press event at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington on Wednesday, AP photographer Jacquelyn Martin captured a striking image of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife holding a sheet of $1 bills that had people talking.

Posted in Behind the News

Spotlight on ‘Reporters reporting’

, by Lauren Easton

A new Associated Press Instagram account features AP journalists in the field, shooting photos and video and reporting news stories across the globe.  

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