Posted in Behind the News

National AP investigation on airport security spurs local reports

, by Lauren Easton

An AP investigation into security breaches at U.S. airports has been echoed and localized by dozens of member newspapers and broadcast customers.

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Posted in Announcements

AP statement on changes in sports agate

, by Paul Colford

Update on May 23, 2016: During the transition to a new sports data provider, all daily sports agate files were restored within three days and no statistics from any MLB game or playoff game in the NBA and NHL were interrupted. Most of the interruptions were to files that aren't as commonly used by AP members and customers. Nearly all weekly agate files also were restored without interruption.

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Posted in Industry Insights

How to gather international news in a perilous world

, by Lauren Easton

When more than two dozen international editors convened in Boston on Friday for the International Press Institute/Associated Press Foreign Editors’ Circle, they discussed the challenges journalists face when working abroad.

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Posted in Industry Insights

Update on study of alternatives to exit polling

, by Lauren Easton

See update here.

As early voting becomes more popular, AP has been testing new ways to more accurately survey the people who cast their ballots before Election Day, amid increasing costs and declining response rates of telephone polls.

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Posted in Announcements

AP receives 5 awards from Deadline Club

, by Paul Colford

We were pleased to receive five awards on Tuesday evening from the Deadline Club, the New York City chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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