Posted in Behind the News

Recognizing courage in the name of slain AP photojournalist

, by Lauren Easton

The 2016 Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award, named for the AP photographer who was killed reporting in Afghanistan in 2014, has been awarded to Adriane Ohanesian, a freelance photojournalist based in Nairobi, Kenya.

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Posted in Behind the News

Chernobyl anniversary produces AP exclusives

, by Paul Colford

The 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster prompted AP journalists in Eastern Europe to produce disturbing environmental stories near the site in Ukraine and also from Mayak, the scene of at least two of Russia’s worst nuclear accidents dating from the late 1940s.

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Posted in Behind the News

Exploring ‘a landscape of mafias, violence and corruption’

, by Lauren Easton

The Overseas Press Club announced this morning that three Associated Press journalists have won its award for the best reporting on Latin America in any medium.

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Posted in Behind the News

A Pulitzer for the entire AP that ‘took real physical courage’

, by Paul Colford

As noted by the judges, the Pulitzer Prize won today by AP was: “For an investigation of severe labor abuses tied to the supply of seafood to American supermarkets and restaurants, reporting that freed 2,000 slaves, brought perpetrators to justice and inspired reforms.”

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Posted in Behind the News

An ‘impactful, buzzy set of political polling’

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by Vice President-International News John Daniszewski describes how AP’s news survey specialist developed original, impactful polling on the presidential candidates whose findings earlier this month “reset the political news agenda”:

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