Posted in Behind the News

How data journalism tools unlocked mystery of campaign donations

, by Lauren Easton

When Arizona law enforcement reporter Jacques Billeaud wanted to find out where donations to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s campaign were coming from, he wasn’t going to let an unsearchable PDF format get in his way.

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Posted in Behind the News

A snapshot of Olympics photography

, by Lauren Easton

Deputy Director of Photography Denis Paquin has covered a total of 17 Olympics since working his first games at Lake Placid in 1980.

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Posted in Announcements

Honoring Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll

, by Lauren Easton

AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll will receive the 2016 Front Page Award for Lifetime Achievement from The Newswomen’s Club of New York, the organization announced today.

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Posted in Announcements

AP series will explore ‘Why it matters’

, by Lauren Easton

With the conventions behind us, and 97 days of campaigning still to come, AP’s political team is preparing a series that will explore key political issues facing voters.

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Posted in Announcements

The Associated Press Municipal Bond Index launches Monday

, by Lauren Easton

On Monday, AP will unveil a new, branded index to measure municipal bond performance.

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