Posted in Behind the News

How I got that Trump photo

, by Lauren Easton

On the final night of the Republican National Convention, AP photographer Mark Terrill captured a dramatic image of Donald Trump from above that had people talking.

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Posted in Behind the News

Scrambling to obtain exclusive user-generated video of Nice attack

, by Lauren Easton

When news broke of a truck running down crowds of people in Nice, France, on July 14, after the Bastille Day fireworks had ended, video of the scene surfaced almost immediately.

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Posted in Announcements

AP’s extensive conventions coverage to include Facebook Live and shareable content

, by Lauren Easton

Editors and producers at member news organizations have been learning of AP’s plans to provide comprehensive 24/7 coverage inside and beyond the convention halls where Republicans and Democrats will gather in the next two weeks.

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Posted in Behind the News

New survey offers revealing look at views of young Americans

, by Lauren Easton

Days before the Republican and Democratic national conventions, the first-of-its-kind GenForward survey reveals how young people feel about top political issues and the two presumptive presidential nominees.

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Posted in Announcements

Lifetime achievement award for photographer Nick Ut

, by Lauren Easton

Photojournalist Nick Ut, an AP staffer for 50 years, received the 2016 Quinn Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Los Angeles Press Club’s annual dinner on Sunday night.

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