Topic: “Video”

Posted in Announcements

Exploring multimedia science storytelling

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press announced today a collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Department of Science Education that will allow AP to provide additional multiformat health and science stories to its member news organizations and customers.

Posted in Behind the News

A multiformat view of U.S. political scene

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by Chris Sullivan, editor of AP's national reporting team, describes how AP’s presence across the country allowed staffers in all formats to provide a “unique window” into the U.S. political climate ahead of President Donald Trump’s inauguration:

Posted in Behind the News

Covering the Dakota pipeline protests

, by Lauren Easton

As protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline have intensified in North Dakota and across the U.S. over the past few months, AP reporters have been documenting key developments across all formats.

Posted in Behind the News

Scrambling to obtain exclusive user-generated video of Nice attack

, by Lauren Easton

When news broke of a truck running down crowds of people in Nice, France, on July 14, after the Bastille Day fireworks had ended, video of the scene surfaced almost immediately.

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