Topic: “Video journalism”

Posted in Behind the News

‘Sheer bravery’ in Nairobi attack coverage

, by Lauren Easton

When extremists attacked a hotel complex in Kenya’s capital on Tuesday, AP journalists across formats scrambled to capture video, take photos and report the breaking news.

Posted in Behind the News

‘Aggressive but delicate’ reporting produces gene-editing exclusive

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano recounted how AP gained a global exclusive on one of the most important and controversial claims in medical and science history:

Posted in Announcements

Anna Johnson named news director for Europe, Africa

, by Lauren Easton

AP Executive Editor Sally Buzbee announced a key appointment Thursday: Anna Johnson, currently news director for the U.S. West, will direct coverage of Europe and Africa.

Posted in Behind the News

A commitment to deep global journalism

, by Lauren Easton

In a busy news week saturated with coverage of the U.S. midterm elections, AP’s effort to count the uncountable -- tens of thousands of migrants dead and missing since 2014 -- broke through.

Posted in Behind the News

Providing unmatched perspectives of consulate search

, by Lauren Easton

When crime scene investigators arrived unannounced at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey after the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, AP was ready in all formats.

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