Topic: “US News”

Posted in Industry Insights

AP’s top editor: We must protect journalists online

, by Patrick Maks

During a panel at the virtual News Xchange conference on Tuesday, Executive Editor Julie Pace addressed the online harassment of journalists and AP’s response to this growing trend.

Posted in Announcements

Additions to AP’s news leadership team

, by Patrick Maks

Executive Editor Julie Pace today announced three key additions to AP’s news leadership team.

Posted in Announcements

Doubling down on journalist safety

, by Patrick Maks

Executive Editor Julie Pace today announced that Ian Phillips, vice president for international news, will take on a new assignment focused on journalist safety.

Here is her memo to staff:

Posted in Announcements

New roles on senior News leadership team

, by Lauren Easton

AP Executive Editor Julie Pace today announced several senior leadership appointments in a memo to global news staff:

Posted in Announcements

AP launches AI readiness survey for local newsrooms

, by Lauren Easton

This week AP started surveying local news outlets in the U.S. to assess their readiness to adopt technologies that use artificial intelligence, a first step in the news agency’s two-year commitment to help local newsrooms expand their use of AI tools.

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