Topic: “US News”

Posted in Behind the News

Trudging through mud to get the shot

, by Lauren Easton

As search crews in California look for victims of this week’s deadly mudslides in Montecito, AP journalists are on the ground covering the rescue efforts and the destruction left behind.  

Posted in Behind the News

How data journalism tools revealed segregation in US charter schools

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Deputy Managing Editor Sarah Nordgren described how an AP analysis of charter school enrollment data allowed member news organizations to zero in on segregation in their states:

Posted in Behind the News

Is it sexual harassment or misconduct?

, by John Daniszewski

With the raft of accusations of sexual misconduct by powerful men showing no signs of abating, here are some guidelines that may prove useful.

Posted in Behind the News

Spotlight on ‘Reporters reporting’

, by Lauren Easton

A new Associated Press Instagram account features AP journalists in the field, shooting photos and video and reporting news stories across the globe.  

Posted in Behind the News

Reporters reveal anatomy of Russian hack

, by Lauren Easton

After hackers exposed 50,000 emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in 2016, a team of AP journalists traced the digital footprints that led from his account and others back to Moscow.

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