A note about virus numbers
Numbers have been key to reporting on the current coronavirus health crisis. Data on the geographic spread and the acceleration or deacceleration of the contagion have been the foundation for understanding the battle. National and global metrics on cases, deaths and recovery are the battlefield statistics we need to tell this story.
A conversation about trust in journalism
Speaking at a Society of Professional Journalists forum in Casper, Wyoming, Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News Noreen Gillespie addressed trust in the media and AP’s commitment to fact-based journalism.
Why we published a border deaths photo
AP decided on Tuesday to publish a photo of the bodies of a man and his 23-month-old daughter discovered Monday on the bank of the Rio Grande near Matamoros, Mexico, across the river from Brownsville, Texas.
What is AP? CEO explains in op-ed
In an editorial published on Sunday by several AP member news organizations, AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt outlined the news cooperative’s standards, origins and structure:
Previewing a new edition of the AP Stylebook
During a panel at the ACES: The Society for Editing national conference in Providence, Rhode Island, on Friday, it was announced that the 2019 AP Stylebook will include new and expanded guidance on race-related terms.