Decision 2016: Calling the winners
With a history of calling election winners quickly and accurately for its member news organizations and customers in the U.S. and around the world, AP is poised to again do so on Nov. 8.
Decision 2016: It's 'about the voters'
With less than a week to go until Election Day, AP’s political team will be focusing not only on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but also on the voters who are deciding which candidate will become the next U.S. president.
What AP learned about using online surveys to measure support for presidential candidates
After commissioning an experiment designed to test new ways to survey voters who cast ballots early, AP updates its findings, using new breakdowns of advance and Election Day voting in the Florida primary.
Update on study of alternatives to exit polling
See update
As early voting becomes more
popular, AP has been testing new ways to more accurately survey the people who
cast their ballots before Election Day, amid increasing costs and declining response rates of telephone polls.
Beyond exit polls: AP tests online surveys of voters
To help in calling winners and explaining why candidates won, The Associated Press has been testing new ways to survey voters around Election Day. After all, in the last presidential election, more than a third of voters did not go to a polling place on Election Day but instead voted ahead of time or by mail.