Topic: “Presidential election”

Posted in Behind the News

An AP ‘lede’ goes viral

, by Lauren Easton

On Twitter early this morning, if you started typing the keywords "fundamental pillar" in the search bar, the phrase popped up after the first three letters: f-u-n.

Posted in Announcements

AP photos of presidential campaigns go on view in Virginia

, by Lauren Easton

An exhibition of AP photos showing presidential campaigns over the past 100 years, including Calvin Coolidge clad in cowboy attire and John F. Kennedy covered in confetti as his car crawls through Los Angeles, has opened in Virginia at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts.

Posted in Behind the News

An inside look at ‘Divided America’

, by Lauren Easton

Last week, AP began publishing one of its longest series in memory, “Divided America.” The reporting explores the issues driving American voters toward the decision they will make on Election Day.