Topic: “Politics”

Posted in Announcements

Doubling down on voting rights coverage

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff on Tuesday, Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News Noreen Gillespie outlined a new collaboration with the Carnegie Corporation of New York that will bolster AP’s coverage of voting rights issues ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election:

Posted in Behind the News

New AP series takes pulse of disrupted electorate

, by Patrick Maks

A new data-driven AP series will examine the state of the American electorate as it grapples with the coronavirus pandemic and racial injustice ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Posted in Behind the News

Counting votes, declaring winners amid global pandemic

, by Lauren Easton

Every major election night at The Associated Press requires staff from across the news cooperative to come together to tell the story of who won, and why. Three U.S. states plan to move ahead today with presidential primary elections amid the COVID-19 outbreak, and that means there will be votes to count and races to call.

Posted in Behind the News

How AP calls a race at poll close

, by Lauren Easton

On Super Tuesday, AP declared Bernie Sanders the winner in California as soon as polls closed at 8 p.m. PT— one of four such race calls made that night as polls closed in a state.

Posted in Behind the News

Stellar night for AP race calling

, by Lauren Easton

A night of fast and accurate race calls by The Associated Press on Super Tuesday culminated as polls closed in California at 8 p.m. PT, when AP declared Bernie Sanders the winner of the night's biggest prize.

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