Topic: “Photography”

Posted in Announcements

Coverage of Brazil and Rohingya earn AP staffers National Headliner Awards

, by Lauren Easton

Reporting on horrifying violence across Brazil and the plight of Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar earned AP journalists top honors in the National Headliner Awards, announced today by the sponsoring Press Club of Atlantic City.

Posted in Behind the News

How I got that photo of Zuckerberg’s notes

, by Lauren Easton

When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday about privacy failures at his company, a photograph of an open binder containing his notes made headlines.

Posted in Behind the News

How I got that Mnuchin photo

, by Lauren Easton

During a routine press event at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington on Wednesday, AP photographer Jacquelyn Martin captured a striking image of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife holding a sheet of $1 bills that had people talking.

Posted in Behind the News

Spotlight on ‘Reporters reporting’

, by Lauren Easton

A new Associated Press Instagram account features AP journalists in the field, shooting photos and video and reporting news stories across the globe.  

Posted in Behind the News

‘Fishing for photos’ in Northwest Passage

, by Lauren Easton

Aboard an icebreaker sailing through the Arctic Circle’s Northwest Passage, AP photographer David Goldman captured striking images of the jagged icescape left behind.

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