Topic: “Journalism”

Posted in Behind the News

Spotlight on ‘Reporters reporting’

, by Lauren Easton

A new Associated Press Instagram account features AP journalists in the field, shooting photos and video and reporting news stories across the globe.  

Posted in Behind the News

Reporters reveal anatomy of Russian hack

, by Lauren Easton

After hackers exposed 50,000 emails belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in 2016, a team of AP journalists traced the digital footprints that led from his account and others back to Moscow.

Posted in Industry Insights

Being ‘assertive in defense of journalism’

, by Lauren Easton

“If fact-based journalism is under assault from many quarters, we need to come out from a defensive crouch, and be proactive in talking about the work, how we serve the public interest, and to be transparent about how we go about it,” AP Vice President and Editor at Large for Standards John Daniszewski told the International Press Institute Friday afternoon.

Posted in Behind the News

Using 360 video to bring viewers closer to Harvey, Irma

, by Lauren Easton

When back-to-back hurricanes hit Texas and Florida causing widespread destruction, AP supplemented its comprehensive text, photo and video coverage of the storms with 360-degree video of the aftermath.

Posted in Behind the News

After Maria, ‘heart-wrenching’ all-formats coverage

, by Lauren Easton

More than a week after Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, AP journalists on the ground continue to tell the stories of people who are struggling with the overwhelming devastation.

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