Topic: “Journalism”

Posted in Behind the News

Understanding the election: How AP combats misinformation

, by Patrick Maks

With misinformation swirling ahead of the U.S. presidential election, fact-checking, a central function of AP for decades, has never been more important.

Posted in Industry Insights

Revolutionizing video workflows with AI

, by Patrick Maks

At the International Broadcasting Convention this week, Vice President and Director of Key Initiatives Sandy MacIntyre outlined how AP is collaborating with technology companies to revolutionize video production and workflows in the news industry.

Posted in Announcements

New Sony gear ‘a game changer’

, by Lauren Easton

AP has a long history at the forefront of imaging technology, from the first transmission of photos over the wire to the early days of digital photography. Today's announcement that AP will equip its photo- and video journalists with cutting-edge Sony cameras and lenses is another milestone.

Posted in Announcements

Doubling down on voting rights coverage

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff on Tuesday, Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. News Noreen Gillespie outlined a new collaboration with the Carnegie Corporation of New York that will bolster AP’s coverage of voting rights issues ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election:

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