Topic: “featured”

Posted in Products and Services

Reimagining the power of the cooperative

, by Patrick Maks

The Associated Press is reinventing how it cooperates with its member news organizations and nonprofits with the expansion of AP StoryShare, a tool that allows them to share content and collaborate.

Posted in Industry Insights

What do Americans want from journalism?

, by Lauren Easton

A new study by the Media Insight Project, a joint effort by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, offers a revealing look at the disconnect between what Americans want in their news and what journalists view as their core mission.

Posted in Announcements

Angela Charlton named Western Europe news director

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff, AP Europe and Africa News Director Anna Johnson today announced that Bureau Chief Angela Charlton is now AP’s Western Europe news director, a new position responsible for leading all formats in France, Belgium and the Netherlands:

Posted in Announcements

AP wins 2 Overseas Press Club Awards

, by Patrick Maks

The Associated Press has won two prestigious awards from the Overseas Press Club of America for an investigation exposing abuse in the lucrative palm oil industry and for reporting that held China accountable for its early mishandling of COVID-19 and human rights violations against the Uighurs.

Posted in Announcements

AP adds 2 reporters to cover injustice

, by Lauren Easton

With funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, AP has added two reporters to cover issues of injustice.

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