Topic: “Elections”

Posted in Announcements

AP’s extensive conventions coverage to include Facebook Live and shareable content

, by Lauren Easton

Editors and producers at member news organizations have been learning of AP’s plans to provide comprehensive 24/7 coverage inside and beyond the convention halls where Republicans and Democrats will gather in the next two weeks.

Posted in Behind the News

New survey offers revealing look at views of young Americans

, by Lauren Easton

Days before the Republican and Democratic national conventions, the first-of-its-kind GenForward survey reveals how young people feel about top political issues and the two presumptive presidential nominees.

Posted in Behind the News

An inside look at ‘Divided America’

, by Lauren Easton

Last week, AP began publishing one of its longest series in memory, “Divided America.” The reporting explores the issues driving American voters toward the decision they will make on Election Day.

Posted in Behind the News

The importance of independent political coverage

, by Lauren Easton

In response to Donald Trump's announcement on Monday that his campaign will revoke press credentials provided to The Washington Post, AP released this statement from Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll:

Posted in Industry Insights

Update on study of alternatives to exit polling

, by Lauren Easton

See update here.

As early voting becomes more popular, AP has been testing new ways to more accurately survey the people who cast their ballots before Election Day, amid increasing costs and declining response rates of telephone polls.

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