Topic: “Elections”

Posted in Behind the News

A closer look at 'Trump Country'

, by Lauren Easton

A team of AP journalists is returning to communities that flipped from blue to red in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to see if President Donald Trump is doing what they had hoped.

Posted in Behind the News

How to quantify gerrymandering? Reporters find a way

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Vice President for Standards John Daniszewski recounted how a team of AP journalists was able to measure the impact of gerrymandering, the drawing of legislative districts for one party’s benefit, in a “unique and accessible” -- and unprecedented -- way:

Posted in Industry Insights

Learning from voter survey experiments

, by Lauren Easton

Leading up to the November election, AP worked with GfK Custom Research and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago to examine new ways to survey voters.

Posted in Industry Insights

Renewing vows to the 'might of journalism'

, by Lauren Easton

As AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll accepted the 2016 Front Page Award for Lifetime Achievement in New York on Thursday night, she challenged fellow journalists to reaffirm their commitment to transparency, accountability and press freedom.

Posted in Behind the News

Calling the presidential race state by state

, by Lauren Easton

At 2:29 a.m. ET on Wednesday, The Associated Press called the race for Donald Trump in a Flash, reserved for news alerts of the highest importance.

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