Topic: “Data journalism”

Posted in Behind the News

Understanding the ‘Politics of pain’

, by Lauren Easton

During an especially intense news period, marked by a bomb blast in Manhattan and a subsequent manhunt in New Jersey, an investigation into the politics behind America’s opioid epidemic still received the attention it deserved.

Posted in Behind the News

How data journalism tools unlocked mystery of campaign donations

, by Lauren Easton

When Arizona law enforcement reporter Jacques Billeaud wanted to find out where donations to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s campaign were coming from, he wasn’t going to let an unsearchable PDF format get in his way.

Posted in Behind the News

National AP investigation on airport security spurs local reports

, by Lauren Easton

An AP investigation into security breaches at U.S. airports has been echoed and localized by dozens of member newspapers and broadcast customers.

Posted in Industry Insights

More sunlight in Sunshine Week

, by Paul Colford

This Sunshine Week has unfolded amid a flurry of developments that highlight the importance of seeking greater access through court action and the legislative process -- or, as one case illustrates, by not taking no for an answer.

Posted in Behind the News

Uranium in private wells? Reporters dig for answers

, by Lauren Easton

A year ago, the U.S. Geological Survey released a study saying one out of four private wells in California’s eastern San Joaquin Valley, in the country’s richest farming region, had dangerous levels of uranium.

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