Putting the facts on blockchain
Today AP announced it will work with Chainlink to help bring economic, sports and race call data onto blockchains, the decentralized computer networks for recording information in an unalterable way.
Troy Thibodeaux named director of digital news
Deputy Managing Editor Amanda Barrett today announced a key appointment: Troy Thibodeaux, who has led AP’s data journalism since 2013, is now director of digital news:
AP makes coronavirus dataset available to all
AP’s county-level U.S. coronavirus data is now publicly available through the data.world platform.
A note about virus numbers
Numbers have been key to reporting on the current coronavirus health crisis. Data on the geographic spread and the acceleration or deacceleration of the contagion have been the foundation for understanding the battle. National and global metrics on cases, deaths and recovery are the battlefield statistics we need to tell this story.
Emily Swanson named AP director of public opinion research
Deputy Managing Editor for Operations David Scott announced on Monday that polling editor Emily Swanson will be AP’s new director of public opinion research. Here is his memo to staff: