Reporter provides rare view inside Coke
One top AP editor said the story "sent dominoes tumbling in all directions."
Business reporter Candice Choi obtained stunning emails that showed Coca-Cola Co. was a guiding force behind a nonprofit group founded to fight obesity. "Coke helped pick the group's leaders, edited its mission statement and suggested articles and videos for its website," Choi wrote.
Automated earnings stories multiply
The Associated Press, working with Automated Insights and Zacks Investment Research, is now automatically generating more than 3,000 stories about U.S. corporate earnings each quarter, a tenfold increase over what AP reporters and editors created previously. Here, Assistant Business Editor Philana Patterson, who has been overseeing the rollout of this process in the newsroom, gives an update on AP’s automation efforts that began last summer.
What’s the deal with Davos?
DAVOS, Switzerland — It’s hard to think of any other event quite like the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting here in the Swiss Alps. The U.N. General Assembly draws more world leaders. The Oscars attract more celebrities. But nothing brings together quite this combination of corporate executives, academics, philanthropists and media.
A leap forward in quarterly earnings stories
The Associated Press announced in an advisory to customers today that the majority of U.S. corporate earnings stories for our business news report will eventually be produced using automation technology.