Topic: “Breaking news”

Posted in Behind the News

‘Sheer bravery’ in Nairobi attack coverage

, by Lauren Easton

When extremists attacked a hotel complex in Kenya’s capital on Tuesday, AP journalists across formats scrambled to capture video, take photos and report the breaking news.

Posted in Behind the News

The challenge of brevity in the digital age

, by John Daniszewski

News in the digital age comes in short -- often very short -- bursts, straight to our mobile phones, smart watches, tablets and computer screens.  Sometimes these short takes are all an audience will read, not the longer story that follows. That’s why we need to get them right.

Posted in Behind the News

How to describe extremists who rallied in Charlottesville

, by John Daniszewski

UPDATED Aug. 16: We are adding “anti-Semitism” to the definition of “alt-right”; noting that the antifa movement that has been recently in the news actually has antecedents back to the 1930s; and adding some guidance on spelling and punctuation on the recently coined term “alt-left.” The post below includes these updates.

Posted in Announcements

AP names national news editor for beats

, by Lauren Easton

Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Sally Buzbee today announced a key appointment: Wendy Benjaminson is the new national news editor for beats.

Posted in Behind the News

Securing video exclusives in Paris attack, Philippines plot

, by Lauren Easton

Quick thinking and persistence enabled The Associated Press to lead with its video coverage of terrorism on two continents in the same week: an attack on Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and Islamic militants plotting an assault in the Philippines.

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