Topic: “Behind the news”

Posted in Behind the News

AP first and fast on Soleimani strike

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff on Friday, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano described how sourcing and teamwork allowed AP to dominate on the news of a U.S. drone strike killing Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, nudging the U.S. and Iran closer to the brink of war:

Posted in Behind the News

In a ‘flash’: Alerting news of the president’s impeachment

, by John Daniszewski

At 8:34 p.m. ET on Wednesday, AP pushed out the news, "President Donald Trump impeached by US House of Representatives."

Posted in Behind the News

Honoring 2 fallen AP journalists

, by Patrick Maks

The Associated Press honored on Wednesday two journalists who died because of their work for AP.

Posted in Behind the News

The power of journalism in clergy abuse crisis

, by Patrick Maks

The Catholic Church’s efforts to reckon with clergy sex abuse were examined during an AP panel discussion on Tuesday at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY in New York.

Posted in Behind the News

AP Hong Kong photos garner global front pages

, by Lauren Easton

Newspapers across the globe, from Barcelona to Taiwan to Toledo, Ohio, featured on the front pages of their Monday editions gripping AP images of Hong Kong police clashing with protesters at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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