Topic: “Behind the news”

Posted in Behind the News

Covering the Dakota pipeline protests

, by Lauren Easton

As protests against the Dakota Access oil pipeline have intensified in North Dakota and across the U.S. over the past few months, AP reporters have been documenting key developments across all formats.

Posted in Behind the News

Decision 2016: Calling the winners

, by Lauren Easton

With a history of calling election winners quickly and accurately for its member news organizations and customers in the U.S. and around the world, AP is poised to again do so on Nov. 8.

Posted in Behind the News

Decision 2016: Counting the vote

, by Lauren Easton

On Nov. 8, it’s The Associated Press that will be tabulating election results for national, state and local races and distributing them to members and customers worldwide.

Posted in Behind the News

An AP ‘lede’ goes viral

, by Lauren Easton

On Twitter early this morning, if you started typing the keywords "fundamental pillar" in the search bar, the phrase popped up after the first three letters: f-u-n.

Posted in Behind the News

Reporter’s investigation exposes abuse of migrant children

, by Lauren Easton

National investigative reporter Garance Burke revealed this week that more than two dozen migrant children were abused or neglected in American homes since the federal government relaxed procedures for vetting those wanting to take in unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border.

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