Topic: “AP Style”

Posted in Behind the News

Q&A: AP Food Editor J.M. Hirsch

, by Erin Madigan White

As food editor, J.M. Hirsch keeps The Associated Press’ global coverage of cooking and eating relevant, accessible and authoritative. He’s also the expert behind the popular food chapter of the AP Stylebook. Here, he explains what coverage AP served up to Lifestyles subscribers for the holidays and what to watch for in the new year.

Posted in Announcements

Advisory on Ebola coverage

, by Erin Madigan White

In an advisory to editors at member and customer news organizations, The Associated Press outlined the careful steps it is taking in covering the Ebola story.

Posted in Announcements

A leap forward in quarterly earnings stories

, by Paul Colford

The Associated Press announced in an advisory to customers today that the majority of U.S. corporate earnings stories for our business news report will eventually be produced using automation technology.

Posted in Announcements

Is it ISIL or ISIS in Iraq?

, by Tom Kent

How best to refer to the al-Qaida splinter group leading Sunni militants in Iraq? ISIL or ISIS?

Posted in Behind the News

AP “flashes” – what they’re all about

, by Tom Kent

The “flash” we sent last week on Nelson Mandela’s death brought a new flurry of attention to AP flashes. What are they and how often do we send them?

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