Posted in Behind the News

How one Cuba scoop led to another

, by Erin Madigan White

In a memo to staff, Senior Managing Editor Michael Oreskes hails the AP reporting team from around the world who worked together to break an important story about the U.S. government’s secret activities in Cuba:

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Posted in Behind the News

How AP tapped its global resources to chronicle passengers’ final hours

, by Erin Madigan White

When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down, major news organizations across the world rushed out profiles of the victims. In a memo to staff, Senior Managing Editor Michael Oreskes explores why one AP story resonated around the world:

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Posted in Behind the News

Deep source network, experience underpin AP reporting in Gaza

, by Erin Madigan White

The Associated Press team in Gaza is reporting the news as they live it, working quickly — under extremely difficult conditions — to verify and debunk information for AP’s customers around the world. Senior Managing Editor Michael Oreskes lauded their efforts in a recent memo to staff:

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Posted in Announcements

Poorly worded alert prompts clarification

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This morning a poorly worded news alert moved on the AP wire and was also tweeted via @AP.

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Posted in Announcements

How many U.S. states allow gay marriage?

, by Tom Kent

In stories about gay marriage in the United States, we usually include the number of states where gay marriage is allowed. Settling on that that number can be complicated, though, since the situation in some states is in flux.

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