Posted in Behind the News

What to know about ‘Not Real News’

, by Lauren Easton

As part of our ongoing efforts to fact-check claims in suspected false news stories, AP has been publishing weekly roundups of some of the most popular untrue headlines of the week, debunking them and making clear the facts.

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Posted in Behind the News

How to describe extremists who rallied in Charlottesville

, by John Daniszewski

UPDATED Aug. 16: We are adding “anti-Semitism” to the definition of “alt-right”; noting that the antifa movement that has been recently in the news actually has antecedents back to the 1930s; and adding some guidance on spelling and punctuation on the recently coined term “alt-left.” The post below includes these updates.

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Posted in Behind the News

Reporters reveal patchwork of justice for juvenile lifers

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo by Vice President for Standards John Daniszewski detailed how a 50-state investigation on inmates sentenced as juveniles to life without parole broke through an especially busy White House news cycle to provide "an important public service":

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Posted in Behind the News

Reporter persists to produce exclusive interview with tractor-trailer trafficking survivor

, by Lauren Easton

A staff memo from Managing Editor Brian Carovillano describes how a reporter equipped with an iPhone landed a “scoop that gave AP’s customers something they could get nowhere else”:

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Posted in Announcements

Three new deputy bureau chiefs in Washington

, by Lauren Easton

Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced three key appointments: editors J. David Ake, Kathleen Hennessey and Elizabeth Kennedy are the new deputy Washington bureau chiefs, leading AP’s coverage of the U.S. government and American politics.

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