Posted in Behind the News

How I got those border clash photos

, by Lauren Easton

Early on New Year’s Day, an AP photographer at the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, captured dramatic photos of tear gas being fired at migrants climbing a fence.

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Posted in Behind the News

A local look at life expectancy

, by Lauren Easton

An AP analysis of data from the National Center for Health Statistics, which revealed just how much location can impact life expectancy, has been localized by member news organizations.

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Posted in Announcements

Ron Nixon named AP international investigations editor

, by Lauren Easton

AP Global Investigations Editor Michael Hudson announced a key appointment Thursday, sending this memo to staff: 

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Posted in Behind the News

George H.W. Bush’s nod to White House ‘photodogs’

, by Lauren Easton

“The men and women who have covered the White House for the AP dating back to the middle of the 19th century have truly had a ‘front row seat to history,’” former President George H.W. Bush wrote.

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Posted in Behind the News

‘Aggressive but delicate’ reporting produces gene-editing exclusive

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano recounted how AP gained a global exclusive on one of the most important and controversial claims in medical and science history:

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