Posted in Announcements

Michael Tackett joins AP as deputy Washington bureau chief

, by Lauren Easton

Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced a key appointment, sending this memo to staff:

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Posted in Behind the News

AP CEO: News agencies must ‘unleash the truth’

, by Lauren Easton

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Thursday, AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt addressed the role of news agencies in the 21st century.

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Posted in Announcements

New Middle East leadership team is named

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Executive Editor Sally Buzbee on Friday outlined a new structure for AP’s Middle East region:

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Posted in Behind the News

What is AP? CEO explains in op-ed

, by Lauren Easton

In an editorial published on Sunday by several AP member news organizations, AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt outlined the news cooperative’s standards, origins and structure:

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Posted in Industry Insights

AP journalists accept Pulitzer Prize for Yemen coverage

, by Patrick Maks

At a luncheon at Columbia University in New York on Tuesday, the AP journalists who documented torture, corruption and starvation in Yemen’s civil war accepted a Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. 

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