Posted in Announcements

AP names 4 to global religion team

, by Lauren Easton

Global Religion Editor Sally Stapleton today sent this memo to staff announcing four additions to AP’s new religion team:

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Posted in Behind the News

Song sparks opera singer harassment scoop

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano explained how a bombshell investigation of sexual harassment allegations against opera legend Placido Domingo started with a song:

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Posted in Behind the News

A bird’s eye view of Greenland’s melting glaciers

, by Lauren Easton

An all-formats team of AP journalists spent three days traveling across Greenland to document the impact of its shrinking glaciers in photos, text and video

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Posted in Announcements

An update on AP style on Kyiv

, by John Daniszewski

We are making a significant change in our style for the Ukrainian capital city Kiev. It will henceforth be written in text, captions and datelines as Kyiv.

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Posted in Behind the News

Following the paper trail to group aiding abusive priests

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano outlined how shoe leather reporting and Freedom of Information requests revealed a small nonprofit in Michigan that was serving as a rapid-response team for hundreds of priests accused of sex abuse:

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