Posted in Behind the News

AP Hong Kong photos garner global front pages

, by Lauren Easton

Newspapers across the globe, from Barcelona to Taiwan to Toledo, Ohio, featured on the front pages of their Monday editions gripping AP images of Hong Kong police clashing with protesters at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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Posted in Announcements

Pablo Martinez Monsivais named Washington assistant chief of bureau for photography

, by Patrick Maks

Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced a key appointment, sending this memo to her staff:

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Posted in Behind the News

AP investigation on dangerous dams sparks local reports

, by Patrick Maks

An extensive AP investigation into the condition of aging dams across the U.S. has been localized and echoed by member news organizations and customers. 

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Posted in Announcements

Samya Kullab named AP Iraq correspondent

, by Patrick Maks

Veteran journalist Samya Kullab has been named Iraq correspondent for The Associated Press.

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Posted in Announcements

Why AP has yet to call Kentucky governor's race

, by Lauren Easton

At 10:02 p.m. ET on Tuesday, AP sent a news alert to its member news organizations and customers that the race for governor in Kentucky was too close to call.

AP Election Decision Editor Stephen Ohlemacher explains why:

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