
Posted in Announcements

AP statement on comment about Gaza journalists

, by Lauren Easton

The Associated Press issued this statement on Saturday in response to a comment that Israel's Channel 12 TV attributed to Israeli Military Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, saying that AP journalists drank coffee with Hamas electronics experts in the cafeteria of the building that housed AP's former bureau in Gaza:

Posted in Announcements

UPDATED: AP statement on destruction of Gaza bureau

, by Lauren Easton

UPDATED May 17, 2021: AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt issued this statement on Monday regarding the destruction of AP's Gaza bureau:

Posted in Announcements

AP launches local news AI project with Knight Foundation

, by Patrick Maks

With support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, AP will launch a two-year project to expand the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in local newsrooms.

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Additions to AP's news leadership team

, by Lauren Easton

Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Sally Buzbee announced today key changes to AP's senior news leadership team.

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Angela Charlton named Western Europe news director

, by Patrick Maks

In a memo to staff, AP Europe and Africa News Director Anna Johnson today announced that Bureau Chief Angela Charlton is now AP’s Western Europe news director, a new position responsible for leading all formats in France, Belgium and the Netherlands:

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