Posted in Behind the News

What’s the deal with Davos?

, by Michael Oreskes

DAVOS, Switzerland — It’s hard to think of any other event quite like the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting here in the Swiss Alps. The U.N. General Assembly draws more world leaders. The Oscars attract more celebrities. But nothing brings together quite this combination of corporate executives, academics, philanthropists and media.

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Posted in Announcements

What to expect when you’re interviewed by AP

, by Tom Kent

Sometimes people ask about the “ground rules” when they’re being interviewed or photographed by AP. Here’s what you should expect when working with an AP reporter, photographer or videographer:

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Posted in Announcements

Update: What to expect when you’re interviewed by AP

, by Tom Kent

Sometimes people ask about the “ground rules” when they’re being interviewed or photographed by AP. Previously in this blog, we’ve described what you should expect when working with an AP reporter, photographer or videographer. Here’s that advice again, slightly expanded in light of some questions we’ve been asked:

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Posted in Announcements

AP CEO welcomes DOJ’s revised media guidelines

, by Erin Madigan White

The Associated Press today welcomed revised guidelines on how the federal government could obtain records from the news media during leak investigations.

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Posted in Announcements

AP statement on Mueller report

, by Erin Madigan White

AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll offered the following statement in response to a report from former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, who was hired by the NFL to investigate how the league pursued evidence in the Ray Rice abuse case:

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