Posted in Behind the News

AP investigative reporter offers tips for seeking public records

, by Erin Madigan White

The Associated Press is committed to fighting for access to information the public has a right to know. AP journalists across the country routinely file Freedom of Information Act requests to uncover critical information that the government would have preferred to keep secret. Washington investigative reporter Jack Gillum recently broke the story that Hillary Clinton used a private email server at her home, and he mined information on Instagram to track Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock’s spending. Gillum frequently draws from records requests to report exclusives. Here, he explains why they should be part of every journalist’s toolkit:

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Posted in Behind the News

A search of records reveals questionable ties of police chiefs

, by Erin Madigan White

In this memo to staff, Managing Editor for U.S. News Brian Carovillano explains how a statehouse reporter’s aggressive pursuit of public documents uncovered a story that had immediate impact in cities across the country:

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Posted in Announcements

AP announces political team for 2016

, by Erin Madigan White

U.S. Political Editor David Scott announced The Associated Press’ political reporting lineup in a memo to staff today:

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Posted in Announcements

Where to find AP at SXSW Interactive

, by Erin Madigan White

The Associated Press is joining thousands of digital and creative professionals from around the world converging at the 2015 SXSW Interactive festival in Austin, Texas, which runs March 13 through 17.

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Posted in Behind the News

Q&A: AP Travel Editor Beth Harpaz

, by Erin Madigan White

Beth Harpaz oversees The Associated Press’ global coverage of travel, keeping it practical, on-trend and authoritative. Here, she previews a number of new columns debuting this month and explains why AP offers the best “travel perks”:

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